This is just a QUICK post to get it in under the wire for #IMWAYR along with some notes about books I read over the weekend/snow days.
Other recent reads:
Not if I Save You First by Ally Carter and Good Dog by DanGemeinhart. I received both of this in the Scholastic Spring 2018 Book Fair Preview Pack and I can NOT wait to book talk them with kids. NIISYF is perfect for fans of April Henry. And Good Dog is a heartwarming story perfect for those who like realistic fiction like Wonder and Rain/Reign. Highly recommend both of them. I'm not sure which book I'll pick up next. Any suggestions or recommendations? Send them my way!
One of my goals for this year is to try to follow this hashtag more faithfully and contribute at least on a monthly basis. So, here is my post for January. :)
My next pick in my never ending #TBR is a toss-up between Kindness for Weakness, Thunderhead, and Onyx and Ivory. The first is a recent realistic fiction release. The other two are upcoming releases that I got from Edelweiss (Thunderhead is the sequel to Scythe and the other is a first in an upcoming fantasy series). If you've read any of these, I'd love to hear which ones you liked. If you have other suggestions for me, especially in regards to female fantasy authors, send me a comment on Twitter (@AmyTasich) or leave a comment below. Happy reading!
Amy Tasich archives
January 2021